There Is None Like You

I stand this day in awe of You, O Mighty One, for You have done great things on my behalf.  My soul exalts Your name because You have poured out Your mercy on me.  Your compassion and grace upholds me throughout my day and protects me from those who would do me harm.  In my times of need, You stand by me and hold my hand to let me know You are near.  In You alone does my soul find rest … for You are My Rock, My Salvation and My Strength.  You are the stronghold to whom I flee when danger nears and You are my rear guard against the attacks of my enemies.  Because You are my defense and high wall of protection, I will never become fearful.  My whole being gives praise to Your Holy Name for You have looked on me with tenderness and provided me with an abundance of blessings.  Despite my sinfulness and imperfections, I know that You have the power to transform me into a force for good.

I praise You, My Lord, for Holy is Your name.  You are My King, My Savior, My Deliverer and My Hope.  Fill me with Your goodness and let it cascade over me so that I can courageously share it with others.  Through faith, I have learned to walk uprightly and it is by my faith that I see Your hand at work in my life.  I am thankful for the courage and strength which You’ve given me to overcome misfortunes and heartache.  In You alone, peace and justice reign.  When I fix my eyes on You, I find my purpose and a sense of belonging.  By believing in You, I’ve unleashed the power that has broken the shackles of sin and death that once held me captive.  As I live my life, I will walk by faith and not by sight until my race is finished and the work You called me to do is done.  Without Your peace, I have no rest … without Your joy, I have no strength … without Your blessings, I have no hope … I need You in my life.

O Tender-hearted Lord, forgive me for my mistakes and shortcomings.  I ask that You cleanse me in Your unending mercy.  Stir up in me the faith that will cause me to follow You unquestioningly.  Restore in me the fire of my love for You so that every manner of sin will be purged from my life so that I can become more like You.  Breath into me an indescribable joy that will allow me to be filled with hope and optimism.  And, when I face a river too wide to cross, come to my aid and help me get to the other side.  And, when the weight I am carrying becomes unbearable, come replace it with one that is sweet and light.  And, when every bit of joy has left me, send down a refreshing breeze to invigorate me and return the joy I’ve lost.  God of Might and Majesty, I acknowledge Your greatness and splendor.  There is none like You under the sun and I bow down before You in humility.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 8:1 O Lord, our God, how majestic is Your name in all the earth.

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