O Wondrous Lord, to grow in faith, I must learn to trust You. I must rely on the promises in Your Word to convince me that You will never forsake me. If I put You at the center of my life, I am assured the my faith will not be shaken. People of the world trust in their things, their power and their connections to get them through their difficulties, but I know I must rely on You. As the One who gave me life, there is no reason to believe You’d abandon me. I’ve seen hardships follow those who do not submit to Your will but, because I’ve learned to trust You, grace and mercy follow me at all times. If I put my trust in You and do good, I am confident that You will bless me. Because I delight in being Yours, I am assured of Your faithfulness and perpetual love. In trusting You, You have become my refuge in times of trouble. I am counting on You to show me how to exercise good judgment and walk in Your ways.
Because You cover me with Your protection, I’m able to lie down in peace and rest. As my Shepherd, You make me lie down in green pastures, You lead me beside still waters and You restore my soul. You are my ever-present source of strength and the peace that keeps me calm under pressure. If I turn from evil, obey Your commands and seek Your rest … prosperity and blessings will follow me wherever I go. When my life is filled with turmoil and stress, I must be still and wait for Your instructions. Your Word reminds me that if I will be still and look to You, I will find my way and overcome my problems. As I humble myself before you, I am confident that You will help me reap the benefits from being a joint-heir with You. And, only then will I be assured that Your peace will come to rest on me. By learning to love Your laws and obeying them, it will become harder for me to stumble.
In learning to take refuge in You, I’ve experienced fewer problems and I’m able to rejoice in whatever circumstance I find myself. I know that since I’ve cast my lot with You, You’ve shown me the path by which to renew my life and, by standing with You, I have found the fullness of joy. When I stumble, Your anger lasts only a moment and Your favor goes with me always. When sadness finds its way into my life, my eyes begin to fill with tears but, if I turn to You to dry them, rejoicing will replace the sorrow I feel in my heart. My soul is satisfied and my heart is content as I reflect with joy on all of the things You’ve done to make my life better. Because I strive to be my best for You, I know that You watch over me and care for all of my needs. When I place my trust in You, my heart rejoices and good things fill my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 62:8 Trust in Him at all times; pour out your heart to Him for God is our refuge.