Most Wise Lord, help me discover my true purpose in life. Your wisdom and insight can spare me from the emptiness that results from a life without You. The world tells me to know more, to have more, to experience more pleasure and be more popular, will produce happiness but it has left me unfulfilled. True satisfaction can only come from knowing that I am doing what it is that You want me to do. The more I try to get, the more I realize how little I have. No pleasure or true happiness is possible without You in my life. When You are missing, life’s problems have no lasting answers. To pursue the pleasures of life offers me nothing in comparison to my relationship with You. Nothing in the world can fill the emptiness I feel or satisfy the deepest longing of my heart. The cure for these feelings is to know and love You more and make You the center of my life.
My love and respect for You has caused me to want to fill my life with service to You and others. Selfish feelings only leave me feeling bad about myself. Confidence in my own efforts, abilities and wisdom leave me feeling unfulfilled. You are the only sound basis I know that can help me build my life on a sound foundation. Without You there is no lasting reward or benefit from my efforts to do something meaningful. My work here on earth must be accepted as an assignment and gift from You. You have given me abilities and opportunities to expand Your Kingdom and I must take every advantage to use them as often as I can. The certainty of death makes any attempt to achieve what the world says are successes futile. Because life is short, I need Your wisdom to navigate life in the way You desire. If I listen to You, I can avoid the bitterness of an unfulfilled life and exchange it for one filled with hope.
Human wisdom does not contain all the answers I need for a productive and fulfilling life. Human knowledge and education have their limits. To understand life and its true meaning, I need wisdom that can only come from You. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, You have captured for me the important things I need to know in Your Word. Since You will evaluate everything I do with my life, I must seek Your wisdom each day and obey Your commands to have a good life. To learn the things I need to know, so I can walk as You did, I must first get to know you better … develop an appreciation for all You do for me … and submit to the things You ask of me. I never want to think more highly of myself than I should and, instead, come before You with an attitude of humility and repentance. Help me keep my focus on You so I can experience the real joy of life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of men.