What Shall I Wear Today?

I praise You, O King of Kings, for Your grace and peace covers throughout my day.  I am thankful for all of the good things You have poured over me.  May Your Word take command of my life as You teach and admonish me in Your ways.  My heart rejoices and I lift up my voice to You with songs of praise in gratitude for all of my prayers that You have answered.  In everything I undertake, I try to bringing You honor and glory.  My greatest desire is to bless You with dedicated service and deep devotion.  My request is that You continue to cover me with Your protection and good favor.

I am overjoyed in the fact that the perishable me has been clothed with the imperishable You.  You are my covering and the garment of eternal death, that I bore before You came, has been replaced with one of everlasting life.  I am now able to put off my old self, along with its bad practices, and put on my new self, which is formed in Your likeness.  To put You on, I must dress in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, the ability to bear burdens cheerfully, exchange forgiveness and recompense for a wrong done and sharing love unconditionally.  Life now means more to me than “eat, drink and be merry” and my body (which is Your temple) is more important than what others see me wearing.  As Your servant, I am called to be a “warrior of the cross” and for that calling You have clothed me for battle in righteousness, truth, peace, faith, salvation and Your Word.  Now I must learn to stand in Your might to resist the Devil and his schemes.  Surrounding myself with more of You, in what I think and do, will provide me with the faith and courage I need to overcome the negative forces around me.

In whatever I face, You’ve encouraged me to put on a garment of praise to replace the heaviness of discouragement and lost hope.  You have called me to … preach the Good New and not become self-involved … to bind up the broken hearted rather than self-indulge … to proclaim freedom to those in bondage rather than getting bound up in worldly things … to release the captives of darkness rather than become a captive of it  … and, comfort those who mourn rather than throw a pity party for myself.  Your presence in my life has turned my sadness into dancing and I’ve traded in my sackcloth for garments of praise.  I thank You for covering my nakedness (caused by my sins) with Your blood of everlasting forgiveness.  I rejoice in the fact that I am now clothed in Your righteousness and splendor.  You have empowered me to put off my old ways and put on Your robe of righteousness.  I know that when I am tried and tested You are weaving a garment of faith that will cover me as I grow.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Isaiah 61:10 I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God.  He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrays me in righteousness …

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