Most Awesome and Loving God, I adore You and acknowledge the many things You have brought into my life! You are The Word who spoke and the earth and all that is in it and around it came into existence. You are The Way who came to earth to show Your people a better way to have life and have it more abundantly. You are The Lamb who was slain for many and suffered immeasurable pain for the sake of saving Your own. You are The Cornerstone upon which I have built my life and on whom I stand when circumstances and the Evil One come to throw me off stride. You are The Light of the world who shows me the way to go. In Your light I feel secure and my eyes have been opened to the truth. You are the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end … You always were and always will be … there is no end to Your reign.
You are The Seed, planted by Your Heavenly Father, who died that I might be reborn and find a new way of living. You are The Truth who set the captives free to walk in the power of their new wisdom. In Your truth, I find comfort, guidance and loving care. You are The Gate who guards what comes into my life. I gain comfort from the knowledge that You will not allow any circumstances, bigger than I can handle, to come into my life. You are The Precious Stone who adorns my whole life and makes me understand how beautiful I am with You in the center of my heart. Your brilliance out shines the darkness so I cannot be drawn into joining with my flesh to resist Your will. You are My Redeemer, who died so I that could live. I believe that You have taken Your place in Heaven, and I now have a place with You at Your banquet table.
You are The Bread of Life who sustains me and feeds my spirit so I can mature as a Christian. You are life itself … raised from the dead to show me that I, and all believers, can be overcomers if we take up our cross to follow You. You are The Good Shepherd who watches over me, loves me and cares for me. You speak and I know and listen to Your voice. You are The Dwelling Place to who I can run in my times of stress to find rest. You are The Peace who calms the storms in my life and delivers me from all turmoil. You are The Bridegroom who joins with me in an eternal relationship of love and caring. You are the Vine in who I receive my sustenance. What You give to my life makes me stronger, helps me grow and leads to my ultimate victories. You are my all in all and I am sustained each day through Your mercy and grace. For all of these reasons, You mean everything to me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Matthew 16:16 Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”