O Blessed Joy, I have not seen You, yet I love You … and, even though I have not seen You, I believe in You. As a result, I am filled with indescribable and overflowing joy. As You show me the path I am to follow, I am blessed because You are teaching me the principles by which I am able to walk. I am delighted when I see Your strength and power working to achieve victories for me. I am comforted in knowing You are concerned with my well-being and that You are watchful over me at all times. As You send Your light and truth to guide me, I rejoice. When burdens fill me with sorrow and distress, I know that my time of travail will end and joy will return … for You always seem to derive good out of my tragedies. When I stumble, I can count on the fact that Your anger will last only a moment but Your love is forever. I know that if I am obedient, my life will be filled with hope and joy. I am overjoyed in the knowledge that You judge me fairly, guide me with a strong hand and shower me with Your mercy.
O Generous God of Prosperity, I trust that, as my Good Shepherd, You will guide me in paths of righteousness and into days of prosperity. As Your servant, I will be strong and courageous and take care to obey Your laws … thereby shunning fear and discouragement in order to be successful. As I walk in faith and Your ways, Your will bless and prosper me in all I do. Goodness and mercy have become my companions and abundance fills my life. As I show You respect and seek Your guidance, I know that You will prosper me in whatever I do. Whenever I lose my way, You are faithful to restore me, begin rebuilding that which I tore down and bring me success. As I delight in Your Word and the truths it holds, You prosper me and use me to do good. As I trust You more, You surround me with safety and security. And, as long as I stay connected to You, I will experience Your love and all will go well with me.
O Blessed Redeemer, I give You praise because You saved me from the hands of my enemies so that I could walk in liberty and freedom from oppression. In Your death, You redeemed me from the dominion of darkness and brought me into Your marvelous Kingdom through Your awesome power and love. Your unselfish sacrifice has cleansed me from my sins which lead to death so I can be free to follow You. By Your death, I’ve been ransomed from the Pits of Hell and been given the promise of eternal life. Through the shedding of Your blood, I’ve been purchased with a price I could not pay for a life I could not sustain without Your mercy and grace. You redeemed me so that the blessings of Heaven can be mine through my faith in You. Because You stand with me in all things, I will not fear knowing that You are my Defender and my Helper in times of need. As my Redeemer, You have brought more than enough Joy and Prosperity into my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Isiah 29:19 Once more the humble will rejoice in the Lord: the needy will rejoice in (the generosity of) the Holy One of Israel.