Most Wondrous Lord, each day when I wake up I feel blessed to be given the chance to spend more time with You carrying out the work of Your Kingdom. Each day brings with it Your strength as my guardian … Your might to uphold me … and, Your wisdom to guide me. I am reassured to know that Your eyes are watching me to keep me safe … Your ears attentive to hear my pleadings … Your heart open to share with me Your wisdom … and, Your friendship reassuring me that You are with me always. I feel safe with Your hedge encircling me and Your shield covering me from the fiery darts of my enemy. You dispatch angels each day to be my guardians and keep away harm. I am extremely thankful for the gift of the Holy Spirit who comforts me and gives me rest … provides me with wise counsel and solutions for my problems … and, teaches me how to walk in Your ways.
You are my Good Shepherd. I listen to what You say and do what You command Since You have my best interest in Your heart, I find it easy to follow and obey You. Because of Your loving kindness, I sing Your praises and share Your goodness with others. I am blessed to be a beneficiary of Your outpoured blood which redeemed me and made me one with You. It is hard for me to express my feeling toward You, but I know they are loving and very special. You gave of Yourself as an example of selflessness which I should begin emulating through charity and good works shared with a lost and dying world. Since I found my way to You, I no longer hunger and thirst for righteousness because it dwells in me through You. I know that the only reason I am Yours is because Your Father drew me to You and I responded. What a blessed event … what a wonderful day!!
It amazes me that You give so much and ask so little of me in return. When I feel put out, because of the feelings I get as I experience the pull of Your call, help me remember just how many blessings You’ve added to my life. Then I will become motivated to respond willingly. When I reflect on Your peace that passes my understanding … when I contemplate the benefits of Your unconditional love … when I experience Your power rising up within me casting aside every problem in my path … when I feel You lifting the burdens off my shoulders and placing them upon Yours … when I sense the application of Your healing balm upon my broken heart and sick body … I begin to fully appreciate the wonderfulness of belonging to You and the receipt of Your many gifts. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
James 1:17 Every good and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.