Responding To You

Wondrous Shepherd, with You as my leader I know I will not be misled or led astray. You came to the earth to provide me with leadership and direction. As My Shepherd, I know You will guide me down righteous paths, to places of peace, and where goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go. … Read more

Leading the Way

O Gracious Master, You promised in Your Word that You were initiating a new covenant with Your people and You were putting Your words into their mind and writing them upon their hearts. You promised to be their God and called them to be Your own. Therefore, I am most anxious to participate in the … Read more

Wanting More of You

Help me, O Glorious Savior, to handle the multitude of stresses, struggles and enticements that I must deal with each day.  Close the door to temptation and let Your goodness come through.  My desire is to learn more about You and the principles by which I am to live.  Preserve me so I can serve … Read more

Taking Baby Steps

My Loving Savior, I am comforted in the fact that You are patient with me as I endeavor to implement the changes You are asking of me.  I am sure that as I take each wobbly step, You are filled with overwhelming joy.  You spread Your arms wide to catch me, You encourage me to … Read more

My Lamp of Learning

Most Omniscient God, one thing that I’ve learned from life is that I don’t know everything I need to know to be successful.  What I’ve realized is that, when I turn to You, I learn all I need to know about attaining knowledge and discipline … growing in my understanding of words and their meaning … Read more

Maturity Is My Goal

I praise You, My King, for through Your wondrous works marvelous things have been done.  Your love has motivated me to show kindness to strangers; have empathy for the poor and forgotten; seek justice for the abused and mistreated; have respect for my marriage vows; and, find contentment in Your many blessings.  As Your child, … Read more