In Search of Godly Wisdom

My All-Knowing God, I lack wisdom in carrying out the affairs of my life. You are the only One who knows all things and are far wiser than me. Your wisdom comes to me as the result of exhaustive study. You are the starting point for all “real” wisdom and Your Word is the way … Read more

Walking In Your Ways

Most Holy God, You have had much to say on how I could become more like You. Moses proclaimed that if I learned to obey You and carefully follow Your commands, I would receive Your blessings. He encouraged me to not turn aside from Your commands because I would reap the consequences of my disobedience. … Read more

Walking in The Light

Most Merciful Lord, how I long for the warmth and guidance of Your light. When I drift away from You and neglect the reading of Your Word, my spirit feels weak and sickly. Your Word instructs me how to rid myself of this feeling of feebleness. It tells me the way out is to judge … Read more

Made Into Your Image

Most Glorious Savior, You are the One who called me out of darkness and led me into Your marvelous light. You are the One who speaks words of comfort and shows me how to get around my problems and struggles. You help me overcome my obstacles and shows me the way to victory. Your encouragement … Read more

You Are My Righteous

Have mercy on me, O Lord, because Your love is unfailing and Your mercy endures forever.  In accordance with Your great compassion, wipe away my tears and blot out my sins.  Create in me a new heart and renew my flagging spirit.  Do not turn Your face from me … nor remove Your Holy Spirit.  … Read more

Why a Triune God?

All honor and glory is given to You, O Heavenly Father, for Your wisdom is vast and too great to be comprehended.  When comparing the wisdom of Solomon to Yours, it is like a drop in the ocean.  You conceived the plan for the creation of the world and everything in it … and, everything … Read more

Who I Am In Christ

Praise and honor belong to You, Almighty King, for no longer am I limited to going through life wondering who I am and why I was placed here.  Through Your saving work, I am a new creation … given a status, a mission and a calling.  Your Word gives me glimpses of who I am … Read more

Who Do I Say I Am?

My Lord and My God, Your Word tells me that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.  You came to show me that there is only one way to the Father, only one truth which is contained in the scriptures and only one way to experience unity with You.  You are the Lamb … Read more